Dr. Wailani Sung
Veterinarian, Behaviorist
Dr. Walaini Sung has been practicing Veterinary Medicine since 2005. Recently moving to the NW from Phoenix, AZ last year. She has practiced in general practice, emergency medicine and behavioral medicine. Her family includes many cats, many dogs, many birds, but just one husband! We are very fortunate to have Dr. Sung working with us!
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Veterinarian, Owner of At Home Vet House Calls
Dr. Hanna Ekström has been practicing veterinary medicine for almost 20 years since her graduation from Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine in 1992. She enjoys treating both cats and dogs, ...
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(425) 402-0187
12459 NE Woodinville Drive
(425) 402-0187
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8-5 |
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8-5 |
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