Pet Emergency Treatment Incorporated Hospitalization and Intensive Care
member since: February 2012

Pet Emergency Treatment Incorporated

…dedicated to providing the best possible emergency pet care.

Hospitalization and Intensive Care

A clean, well-kept ward is provided for your pet during the clinic stay. Quarters are sterilized between patients. Heat support is available for those cases that need it. Intensive care monitoring is provided for those animals that need extra attention by technicians or monitoring devices such as continual EKG monitoring for cardiac arrhythmias, pulse oximeters which measure oxygen in the blood, and blood pressure monitoring. We have incubators for the smaller patients that need heat and oxygen support. There is also an isolation ward to keep contagious animals separated from others, which is decontaminated between patients.

Get directions
(907) 274-5636
2320 E Dowling Rd
Anchorage, AK 99507
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