Featured News 2020 7 Signs Your Pet Has Arthritis

7 Signs Your Pet Has Arthritis

If your pup seems a little under the weather, or if your cat seems less energetic than normal, then you may want to check your companion for signs of arthritis. Arthritis is one of the most common ailments seen in middle-aged and elderly pets. The condition affects a pet’s joints and makes it painful for the animal to walk and exercise.

#1: Limping

One of the main signs of arthritis is limping. If a pet favors one leg or limps to one side, then that may be because the pet has joints that are inflamed and injured by this disease. Normally, a pet’s limp will be worse when he or she first gets up from lying down or is warming up for a jog.

#2: Poor Mobility

Another sign of arthritis is difficulty moving. When their joints are stiff, pets often prefer to lie down and will not voluntarily get up and move around for their owners. If your pet seems to be straining anytime he or she is mobile, this should be considered a potential sign of arthritis.

Watch your pet as he or she gets in and out of the car or walks up and down stairs. If these movements seem to cause him or her pain, then it may mean that your animal is sick. When it comes to cats, watch to see if your pet will jump up on higher counters or chairs like a typical feline. Cats that have arthritis normally try to limit the amount of leaping that they have to do.

#3: Back Problems

Another sign to watch for in your pet is issues with their spine. Affected pets often have sore necks, abnormal posture, or limited mobility in their hind legs as a result of stress on the spine. If your dog or cat has a hunched or sloping back and walks oddly, this may be a sign that he or she is trying to deal with arthritic discomfort.

#4: Constant Lethargy

Additionally, arthritic pets are often more sleepy and lethargic than other animals. Your dog may be exhausted from even a short walk, or your cat may spend the majority of the day hidden under a bed sleeping. If your animal is uncharacteristically exhausted, it is probably a sign that he or she needs to go see a vet for arthritis tests.

#5: Unusual Irritability

Pets with arthritis are often irritable. Just like you are often irritated when you feel uncomfortable, an arthritic dog or cat can get grouchy and lose the desire to be affectionate. If your pet seems to snap or bite more than usual, it may be because he or she is in pain. If you touch a place that increases this pain, it may trigger violent reactions.

#6: Muscular Atrophy

Arthritic animals often develop muscle atrophy as well. This is a condition where the muscle tissue starts to die off because of inactivity and decreased use of the muscles. Pets with atrophied muscles normally have very thin legs that are noticeably skinnier than they should be.

#7: Constant Licking or Biting

If your pet is constantly licking, biting, or chewing at body areas that are irritating them, this may be a sign of arthritis. Because a pet cannot communicate what he or she is feeling verbally, the animal will often chew at a sensitive location on the body even if the pain is internal. If your pet has inflamed skin and hair loss over the affected area, it means that the animal is in extreme pain and is trying to rid the area of feeling by chewing and licking.

If your pet displays these signs of potential arthritis, the best thing to do is contact a local veterinarian right away. With a veterinarian’s help, you will be able to diagnose the problem and take steps towards recovery as quickly as possible.

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