Featured News 2012 As Your Pet Ages: Things to Know

As Your Pet Ages: Things to Know

When you bring home a bouncy ball of fur in the form of a kitten or a puppy, you are hardly thinking about what the pet will be like in its old age. But the truth is that just like people, pets get older. As he ages, the energetic puppy that you have on your hands now may encounter health problems. You should make sure that you are educated on how to care for a pet that is getting up there in years so that you can anticipate his or her needs. Your pet’s breed and size can help to show you what degenerate illnesses you can anticipate in the future. Smaller dogs like Spaniels, Maltese, and Chihuahuas are most likely to end their years with mitral valve disease. This is a malady that causes one of the heart valves to dysfunction. This then leads to a backflow of blood. If the disease is detected early, it can normally be remedied by a modified diet and exercise restrictions.

You will want to take your dog to the vet for regular check-ups to make sure that the disease is not getting more serious. Small dogs are also prone to dental disease, because they have small teeth and a little jaw. If you practice healthy dental hygiene with your pet at home, it reduces that animal’s possibility of this. You should take your pet in for regular teeth cleanings and brush your animal’s teeth at least once a day. Some dogs that have long spines like Dachshunds and Corgis may also get spinal illnesses in their old age. If you maintain your pet’s weight you reduce their possibility for this illness.

If you have a big dog like a Rottweiler or a Great Dane, then your dog might end up with arthritis or other joint issues as he or she gets older. These dogs are also more prone to catch cardiac diseases. Both cats and dogs can catch kidney diseases in their old age. You can normally tell when this illness is coming on because your pet will start drinking excessive amounts of water. In addition he or she might lose weight. Cats can develop a hyperactive thyroid when they start to get old. This causes the heart to work harder than it should and can create a dangerous and fatal heart condition. If your pet is afflicted with this illness than you will want to try and catch it as soon as possible. Keep tabs on how much water your animal is drinking and how many times they urinate a day. Also, watch your animal’s weight to make sure that they are maintaining.

Always pay particular attention to what you are feeding your animal. If you give your dog unhealthy human foods or poor quality dog foods than he or her healthy will deteriorate over time. Like humans, what your pet eats will dictate how healthy he or she is in the future. If your pet’s coat is dull and dry and your dog has lost his or her liveliness, then you may want to try changing his or her diet. The same goes for cat. As your animal gets older, you may also want to take him or her into the vet for routine blood screenings. This will help you to catch any dangerous diseases or organ dysfunctions before they become a fatal ordeal. Also, keep close tabs on your dog’s teeth. If they start to decay, there may be a dental disease in your animal’s mouth that needs medical attention. If you carefully evaluate every aspect of your pet’s health as he or she ages, it will help improve their quality of life as they grow old in your care.

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