Featured News 2012 Dog Breeds and the Disorders you May Encounter

Dog Breeds and the Disorders you May Encounter

When you are trying to determine what type of dog to buy, you should do a lot of research. Some pets come with a higher possibility to contract certain illnesses or diseases, and you want to be aware of what those are. If you love Siberian Huskies, keep in mind that these beautiful sled dogs have a tendency to contract autoimmune disorders.

Many of these disorders primarily affect the husky’s skin. The dogs can end up losing hair and developing sores, or having a painful eye condition that can lead to glaucoma and cataracts. Sometimes the disorders can even lead to blindness. If you buy a Siberian Husky as a pet, you should think about purchasing corticosteroids to inhibit the immune system. If you see any signs of an autoimmune disorder contact a vet to create a prescription.

Dachshunds have an abnormally long body, which is part of what gives them their charm. Yet these dogs are also more prone to back problems because of their build. They are also at a risk to spinal disk issues. If you have a dachshund, regulate his or her weight. When the dog’s belly gets too heavy, it will create unnecessary strain on his or her back. Your dog may also develop stress from jumping up and down and walking up stairs. Try to limit these activities to preserve your pets back as he or she ages.

If you have a loving and adorable bull dog, you may end up dealing with respiratory problems as your dog ages. Along with other dogs with smashed in faces, bull dogs can have a difficult time breathing. Bull dogs have tiny little nostrils, elongated soft palates, and narrow tracheas, which is why the always snore when they sleep. If your pup gets overheated or tired and can’t get enough oxygen, his or her respiratory problems can be fatal. Keep your bulldog indoors during the summer and regulate exercise if you want to try to keep your dog healthy.

If you have a beagle, your dog is at a specific risk to epilepsy. This is a brain disorder that can cause seizures and is most common in this dog breed. Epileptic dogs normally start having seizures between six months and three years old. While the condition can’t be cured, it can be managed with anti-seizure medications that you can obtain from your doctor. Your Shih Tzu may not have seizures, but he or she is at extreme risk to developing wobbly kneecaps. This condition is medically known as patellar luxation, and occurs when the kneecap pops out of place. Other toy dogs also often have this issue, which will cause your dog to wobble as he or she tries to walk. Many times your pet’s kneecap will pop back into place on its own, but in severe instances you may need to take your pet to a vet for surgery.

Pug dogs have large, exposed eyes which is part of what makes them so loveable. Yet these eyes can often develop eye problems, including popping out of socket. When a pug gets into a fight with another dog, the anger may cause his or her eye to pop from the eye socket. An experienced vet can probably help to reposition your pug’s eye, be he or she might lose vision from the incident. German shepherds are loyal and reliable dogs, and often find their way into our hearts and homes.

If you choose to purchase a German Shepherd, make sure that you are aware of the threat of Hip Dysplasia. These dogs are very prone to hip dysplasia, which can manifest as arthritis, pain, and a limp from difficulty walking. The illness occurs when a dogs’ hip joint ball and socket don’t fit together properly. If hip problems fun in the family, your pet is most likely to have them, so ask a breeder about the dog’s lineage and hip issues to avoid purchasing a dog with the problem.

Labrador retrievers are the dogs that are most prone to obesity. These common pets need vigorous exercise every day, or else they tend to pack on weight like crazy. While obesity may be more of an image issue at first, it can spark numerous health problems that could debilitate and affect your dog. These can be anything from arthritis to dog diabetes and cancer. Make sure never to feed your dog human food to help reduce the risk of unnecessary weight gain. Boxers are the dogs at most risk to cancers like lymphoma and mast cell tumors. Both of these types of cancers are detectible by lumps on your pet’s body, so check your boxer regularly to make sure that he or she isn’t developing any tumors.

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