Featured News 2012 Should you Purchase Pet Insurance?

Should you Purchase Pet Insurance?

We've all heard of life insurance, health insurance, car insurance and homeowner's insurance, but have you ever thought of investing in pet insurance? If you have beloved pets in your household, you may want to consider this wise purchase. Veterinary bills can be extraordinarily expensive. Like medical bills for a human, veterinarian practices can cost thousands, and the procedures that your pet needs to survive may be unaffordable. No one wants to put down their pet because he or she cannot afford the expensive surgeries and treatments that are needed to keep your pet healthy and help him or her recover from an unexpected illness or attack.

Because pets can get into sticky and harmful situations, pet insurance is a great idea. Animal medical teams are learning more and more about how to take care of animals, and have even developed advanced chemotherapy and MRI procedures for ailing pets. Yet to use these helpful techniques it takes a lot of money that most people don't have. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), pet insurance is an important resource for pet parents because it helps them afford the quality animal care that pets need.

Hartville Group Inc. is just one of the many insurance companies that provide pet insurance. This particular company works with the ASPCA to promote the health and welfare of animals all throughout the United States. Their partnership insurance project with the ASPCA provides humans insurance that will cover a variety of animal medical practices. Most pet insurances will enable you to be reimbursed for 90 percent of the usual and customary charges after a $100 deductible. Also, many pet insurance companies allow you to visit any local veterinarian who is licensed to care for your animal. These insurance policies normally include emergency clinic and specialists for your animals.

To find the right pet insurance plan for you, you first want to locate a variety of companies that provide pet insurance. Next, you need to compare prices. Looks at the plans to note which ones give you the right amount of coverage with a rate that is affordable. Look to see if it will raise your deductible significantly, and compare the price with other rates. Next, when comparing pet insurance policies, you will want to see what will affect your reimbursements. Is the reimbursement from the company hindered by a benefit schedule? These schedules will pay a fixed amount per diagnosis regardless of the treatments your pet needs, which means that the costs may be far from covered by the insurance company.

Check to see if the company that you considering excludes initial exam fees. This can be a real turn-off, since a pet's original exam can cost a few hundred dollars at certain clinics. Also, check to see if the insurance company has a per injury deductible. This can add up, especially if your animal has multiple wounds which need to be treated. Some insurance companies have a single deductible, and these are preferable in these situations. Check to see if the insurance company that you are considering provides wellness coverage. Sometimes you may be able to find an insurance plan that can cover the costs of spaying or neutering your pet, annual dental cleanings, vaccines, flea and heartworm medications, and other regular health issues.

Also, when shopping for pet insurance, try to choose an experienced provider. Make sure that the insurance company has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau and has a good standing with users. Experienced pet insurance companies know that it is difficult to get a claim when you have a hard-to-pinpoint cause of injury, and may have special reservations when veterinarians don't need to fill out claim forms to get a reimbursement. Talk to your local vet to see if he or she can recommend any sort of pet insurance.

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