Featured News 2012 The Most Common Pet Injuries

The Most Common Pet Injuries

Pet emergency hospitals are much like human emergency rooms. People bring in animals that have gotten into all sorts of serious situations, from car accidents to stepping on a rust nail. There are various injuries that happen to be more common than others, and it is most important to watch out for these injuries so that you don’t end up in a devastating situation. The most common injury among dogs and cats is the ingestion of a foreign object.

Canines and felines are curious creatures, and have a tendency to crunch on anything they find. In the past, dogs have attempted to snack on broken glass, rocks, and other items that can ravage the digestion system and tear at the intestines. Sometimes kittens will snack on strings, and bored cats and dogs will eat flowers and plants that are laced with poisons. If your animal ingests a foreign object, you may need to take him or her to the vet for a stomach pumping or surgery.

Animals also end up in the emergency room on a regular basis because of poison. Lethal plants, flowers, and foods can cause an animal to fall ill in moments. Also, when a gardener sprays bug poison on plants or douses your home in spider-killer, a pet may venture towards the substance and try to taste it. Whenever your pet consumes a poisonous liquid or powder, take him or her to the vet right away. These poisons are meant to kill unwanted insects, but may create the same fatality in your favorite family pet if you are not careful.

Another common emergency injury among pets is car accidents. If an owner is not watching out for his or her animal, then that pet may run into the street and be hit by a car. These car collisions can be fatal or debilitating. It is hard for drivers to see animals if they run close to the front bumper of a vehicle. The best way to avoid these disasters is by keeping your pets inside or on a leash.

As well, a frequent emergency injury is an attack by another animal. Dogs can be hostile towards each other, and cats can bicker and spat with their claws bared. This is especially true between males. If your dog is violent towards other animals, then you should make sure to keep him on a leash when in locations where other dogs might be present. Be cautious of any animals that approach your pet, because while he or she may be docile you never know about the approaching animal.

When a dog is bitten by another dog, it can bring on infection and other wounds. Make sure to rush your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible if he or she ends up in this dreaded situation. If your cat is involved in a spat, a bit can lead to a dangerous abscess. This is because cat bits are a lot like holes from hypodermic needles. The tissue will close over the animal’s wound and trap bacteria and contaminants inside. The abscesses often become messy infections which can break open and cause your feline extreme pain. You should make sure to keep your cats from being aggressive towards one another to eliminate the possibility of these abscesses.

Your pets might also start limping and whining because of a broken nail. As with humans, something as small as a broken nail can cause an extreme amount of pain. Your pet’s paw will probably start bleeding if the nail is ripped or broken when it is being trimmed. If the break is only minor, you may be able to help the blood coagulate by applying syptic powder or banking soda to the nail. Yet if this doesn’t work and your pet’s paw is still oozing blood after five minutes, you should probably take your animal to the vet.

Also, your pet may need to head to the vet whenever eye trauma is involved. If your animal is scratched in the eye, a delay in treatment could lead to permanent blindness. You will want to get your dog or cat to the animal hospital immediately to try and save the pet’s vision. These are only a few of the many different injuries that pets can receive daily. Make sure you have a local vet that you can rely on for service when you need to make a fast trip to the animal hospital to get treatment for your loved animal.

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