Featured News 2013 Creating a Clean Environment at Home for You and Your Pets

Creating a Clean Environment at Home for You and Your Pets

Perhaps you are parents and you have pets, it is very likely that a primary concern you may have in the home is to keep a clean atmosphere for the sake of your animals and your children. However, what many people may not realize is the fact that while we live in such a dirty and polluted world, our homes are often the most dangerous environments for our pets. When you really think of it, it may be quite obvious how many chemicals and toxins are floating around our homes; because of things like hairspray and perfume. What we may not realize though, is the fact even household items such as air fresheners or future cleaners are actually dangerous for the health of your pet.

Just as a person can get sick from anything floating around the air, such as chemicals, etc. even our house pets can suffer from a similar fate. They may be highly affected by event he products that are used to make what we have in our homes like our furniture and various textiles; though cleaning products are probably one of the biggest toxins that can be harmful to our animals. However, it might be obvious that what we use to clean the counters is a potent product, simple things like air fresheners (that give the feeling of cleanness) often do just the opposite for the health of our pets.

Our pet's lungs are actually being extremely irritated in the breathing passages and the mucus membranes, and even things like a damp carpet from cleaning can be as well because the animals are so close to the floor all the time. Here are a few tips then, to help keep the air clean for your animals at home, ultimately creating a more clean environment for you and your family as well.

Beware of VOC's which mean volatile organic compounds. Essentially these chemicals will appear to evaporate into the air, but their potency will remain for an extended amount of time depending on how open your home is with air flow. Believe it or not, these chemicals are so dangerous that frequently exposure to them can result in severe health problems in animals (much more quickly than it would affect a human). The possible diseases include cancer, kidney or liver damages, as well as damage to the central nervous system of the animal. Even in smaller amounts of exposure, your animal may suffer from vomiting, breathing issues, dizziness and irritated noses, mouths and eyes. The primary reason that our animals are more quickly affected by these chemicals is because of their close proximity to the product at all times. Whether they are walking through the kitchen and breath the table's freshly wiped Pine sol or they are laying on the floor next to the area where the bleach was used to get the stain out, they are going to be breathing in much larger quantities than a person would.

If you are looking to freshen up your home, consider finding a plant that is pet friendly (aka won't make them sick if they ingest it somehow) in order to neutralize the odors in the air. If you don't want plants in the house, simmer natural herbs on the stove top in your home such as cloves or cinnamon in order to create a pleasant and safe aroma for you and your pets. Essentially, protecting the air is beneficial for our family and our pets, and in whatever ways we can make changes, the healthier lives we will all have. For more information on animal health, visit your local veterinarian today!

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