Featured News 2013 Don’t Feed Your Pets Thanksgiving Leftovers!

Don’t Feed Your Pets Thanksgiving Leftovers!

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, you may be tempted to slip Fido some tidbits under the table, or give Fluffy some of the food that was left over after the big feast. Yet veterinarians warn pet owners that it is not wise to give your animals any of the thanksgiving foods. Instead, you should make sure to only provide your pet with healthy pet food on Thanksgiving. If you want to give your animal a little something special, then you may want to pick up a Thanksgiving bowl for dogs. There are sold at many grocery stores and pet stores.

While it is a common fact that pets should not eat leftovers at any time of the year, there are some particular foods to watch out for around the holidays. For one, pets should never be allowed to munch on chocolate. This is a dangerous food for them to eat, as there are ingredients in chocolate that can actually be toxic to dogs.

This is a warning to put all MNMs up high and make sure not to leave chocolate desserts sitting around where a dog could get ahold of them and try to eat them up. Dogs are often roaming the house on Thanksgiving Day looking for any left overs that they can find. Warn all of your house guests to mind the dog when eating dessert and not to share, no matter how irresistible the begging may be.

Also, houseguests should be warned to avoid giving grapes to the dog. Grapes are a dangerous fruit that has toxic substances for pets, particularly canines. If your dog consumes a large amount of grapes, you may need to take him or her to the veterinarian quickly. Spilled wine could have the same effect, so make sure that your animal does not get into a glass that may have been set on the floor where your pooch could detect it. Any alcoholic beverages can cause serious injuries for your animal.

Another danger in Thanksgiving dinner with dogs is that they will chew on the bones of a turkey and choke. Some assume that pets can chew on bones just like they do in cartoons, but this can actually be very harmful. Never allow your pet to eat the carcass of a leftover Thanksgiving turkey or give the dog bones to chew on. There is a possibility that the dog may choke on one of these sharp bones, Also, the bones could puncture your dog's esophagus or could puncture the animal's intestines during digestion. Sometimes this can result in internal bleeding which can only be fixed using surgery or may not even be remedial.

Animals can also fall ill if they consume any food with onions in it, or if they consume raisins, salt, tomato stems, walnuts, coffee, and avocados. If your animal gets into the Thanksgiving dinner and consumes any harmful food items, you should contact the firm and get assistance with your pet right away. With the right veterinarian there, you may be able to get your animal the treatment or medication necessary to ensure a speedy recovery.

Make sure to make a point to help guests put their plates on tables, rather than on the ground. Often at big family gatherings, individuals will place their food in places that are easy for the pets to reach. Pet-owners may even want to place their animals in a location away from the dinner while the dining is taking place. This will help to protect the pets from getting into foods that they shouldn't. Learn more about the foods that are dangerous to dogs by talking with a local vet today!

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