Featured News 2013 Help! My Cat is Pregnant!

Help! My Cat is Pregnant!

If you are caring for a pregnant cat, then there are some very important tips that you should keep in mind. Most veterinarians would agree that it is always best to spay and neuter your animals so that they will not reproduce unless you are a qualified cat breeder. Yet accidents happen and there are times that a cat may become pregnant before you have time to take her to the vet for an operation. In this case, you will want to observe some guidelines as you take care of your pregnant cat in order to ensure that she will deliver healthy babies.

One of the most important things to keep in mind regarding a pregnant cat is good nutrition. You will need to feed your cat healthy cat food and make sure to accommodate for the extra calories that he will need as she progresses through her pregnancy. Your cat will be eating for more than one animal, so you will want to make sure to feed her like she’s eating for multiples. You will probably want to choose a food that is suitable for reproduction. Some vets suggest switching a pregnant cat back to kitten food because this will be beneficial for the babies. You can also increase the amount of food provided as your pregnant cat gets nearer to her term.

You will also want to make sure that your cat always has plenty of fresh water. If your animal has not been eating or drinking for a few days then you may want to consider visiting the bet to make sure that everything is all right. Your cat may just be experiencing morning sickness, but things may also get more complicated if your cat is purposefully starving herself. Make sure to keep your cat indoors during the pregnancy, safe from other animals and predators that could harm her. You will want to set up a comfortable nesting spot for your cat and will want to make sure it is far away from any other animals, kids, and pets. It is often best to find a large cardboard box with low sides. This will make an excellent birthing box. You should fill the box with towels, an old sweatshirt or blanket, and other items that will make your feline feel comfortable giving birth to her kittens there.

Typically, a cat will remain pregnant for 63 to 69. Siamese cats typically carry their kittens for 71 days, but if kittens are born before 60 days chances are that they will not survive. If you believe that your cat may be pregnant, it is often wise to contact a local vet and take the animal in for a checkup. A vet can check to make sure that your vat seems healthy and can let you know if there are fleas or ear mites that may be a concern. The vet may even suggest dietary supplements if your cat seems somewhat malnourished. It is important that you do not give your cat any antibiotics or medications during the roughly two months of pregnancy.

It is important obtain a low litter box without a lid for your cat. It should be kept very clean, because allowing waste to lie in the box can actually be dangerous for a cat during pregnancy. As your cat gets closer to term, she may become somewhat lethargic. You will want to make your cat comfortable, but should never press on her stomach while she is carrying her litter. This can damage the fetuses and eventually cause a miscarriage if you are not careful. When your cat is ready to give birth, she’ll do all of the work on her own. You will want to stand by and make sure that your car is comfortable.

Don’t allow her to walk around when in labor because she may choose a secluded place such as under a bed or behind a dresser to give birth. It usually takes three to four hours for a cat to deliver her litter. If your feline still hasn’t given birth to her kittens in eight hours, then you will need to call a vet immediately for instructions. Once your cat has her litter, you will want to make sure that she still eats. The kittens may take up so much of your cat’s time that she may forget that she needs to nourish herself. You will want to allow the mother and her kittens privacy for the first three to four days and avoid handling the newborns during this time. If you want more information about cat pregnancy contact a local vet today for more information!

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