Featured News 2013 The 5 Most Common Errors Pet Owners Make

The 5 Most Common Errors Pet Owners Make

Even the best intentioned owners may find themselves slipping into typical mistakes that not only can add needless stress to their lives, but can further harm their pets. So for both your sakes, it is vital that such assumptions and errors are corrected as soon as possible. Do you do any of the following?

Do you assume that your pet is merely big boned? You will have to be honest with yourself about your pet's weight, because obesity is common among American pets, and the risks for serious diseases and conditions skyrocket in pets who are overweight. Chances are, your pet is indeed obese, or at least overweight, since more than 50 percent of all pets in the United States are. Just because it is common does not make it any less dangerous for your pet's health. If you think there is a chance your pet falls into this trend, then you need to get an objective assessment. A veterinarian can examine your pet, perhaps using the Healthy Weight Protocol. If your pet needs to shed some pounds, then your vet can further help you come up with the diet that is right for your pet's health.

Are you one of those owners that only take sick pets to the vet? The problem with only taking your pet to the vet when they are obviously sick is that this probably means dangerous delays in treatment. Pets are pretty good at hiding when they do not feel well. The condition only gets obvious when it has gotten worse, usually after a considerable amount of time. If instead you take your pet to the vet for annual exams, conditions such as arthritis and kidney disease can be found and treated before they get more serious. This can save you a great deal of money in the long run, not to mention that your pet can be healthier and happier.

It is also important to remember that pet stores are not experts in pet nutrition, nor do they know your pet. It can be a risk to go off the recommendations of a worker at the store. The fact is, your veterinarian has your pet's medical history, and you do not want to deviate from a vet's recommendations. If you think it is time for a change in your pet's diet, you want to consult a vet first. One of the biggest factors in your pet's health is their diet, so you want that in the hands of experts.

How do you respond to a pet that growls or snaps? Your instinct should not be to cuddle the pet or to give him or her a cookie. While you may think you are helping your pet be calm, you are instead supporting their hostile actions. If a pet becomes troublesome, they might have to go to a shelter, at which point, it will be hard for it to ever be adopted if its behavioral problems continue. If your pet seems fearful or aggressive, then a veterinarian and/or a certified trainer may be able to help you nip the problem in the bud. Otherwise, little mistakes can create a huge problem.

Finally, do you think your pet can go without a leash? If there are laws that mandate you use a leash where you live, then do so. No exceptions. Whether or not your dog is trained, all it takes is one strange dog to cause your dog to show unexpected aggression. Not only can they get in serious danger, but you could also be liable for the incident as well. If your dog needs to run free, then usually you can find a dog park where you can take the leash off.

If you need to find a local vet for your pet, then you can find the health expert you need in our directory today!

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