Adding Years to Your Pet's Life
Posted on Feb 26, 2014 12:34pm PST
Do you consider your dog or cat a furry member of your family? If you are like most animal-lovers, your pet may be given the honorary spot of “fur child” and doted upon with love. Our pets are there for us when we need them the most and owning a pet can greatly improve our quality of life. Most pet owners want to make sure that their dogs and cats are healthy and able to live the highest quality, long and happiest life imaginable in our homes. There are a few tips that you can follow to help you add years to your pet’s life and ensure that they are well and thriving.
First and foremost, it is always important that you establish a trusting relationship with a veterinarian. Veterinary care extends beyond puppy and annual vaccinations, and routine checkups can help identify and treat a lot of health issues that may arise due to genetics or age. Your vet’s routine examinations and yearly checkups will help keep your pet feeling their best – and could help catch potentially serious problems early-on. In addition to veterinary care, dental care is also important. Many people do not assume that their pets need regular mouth checkups, but oral complications can lead to additional health issues including heart disease and kidney disease. Keep your pet’s mouth clean and you add years to your pet’s life!
While medical and dental care is important at least a few times a year, there are things that you can do every day at home that will increase the longevity of your pet, including diet and exercise. Your pet’s diet is integral in maintaining a healthy coat, keeping their muscles and joints functioning properly and to help keep your pet bright and alert. Finding the right food and offering a balanced diet can help them avoid allergic reactions and keep the pounds off their waist, too; and speaking of pounds, regular mental and physical exercise can greatly increase your pet’s life span. Obese pets are at risk for a myriad of health issues, so make sure to keep your pets active!
If you follow these tips, your dog or cat will not only be healthy and happy, but you may be able to add years to their life. Of course, being in-tune with your pet’s regular behavior, diet and schedules can help you determine when something is wrong and ensure that you get your pet to a veterinarian in a timely manner. If you are looking to increase your pet’s overall wellbeing and add years to their life, contact a local vet today! Use this directory to find a qualified veterinary professional near you!
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