Featured News 2014 How to Recognize & Treat Aspirin Poisoning in Your Pet

How to Recognize & Treat Aspirin Poisoning in Your Pet

While your cat or dog might be prescribed an aspirin regimen, it is imperative that you follow the veterinarian's instructions to the letter, as it is possible for your pet to accidentally ingest a toxic amount of the anti-inflammatory medicine. While the medication can help with issues of inflammation, clotting, and pain, it can produce dangerous amounts of salicylic acid. Cats do not have the enzyme for breaking down this acid, and even in dogs, the acid can take over the body.

So what are the symptoms of a pet who has been poisoned by aspirin? They include:

  • Appetite loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Intestinal hemorrhage
  • Vomiting
  • Limping, fatigue, imbalance, collapse

If it progresses, the poisoning could lead to unconsciousness and even death. It is possible, however, for aspirin poisoning to not be toxic, and such cases only need some treatment to restore your pet. But if your pet ingested a large amount of aspirin, you are likely facing a full blown emergency. If you take your cat or dog to the veterinarian, a blood profile and urinalysis can determine how serious the case is.

What can you do about aspirin poisoning? An early response is key. If you can diagnose your pet within the first 12 hours and the poisoning has not escalated, then a veterinarian might suggest induced vomiting then administering activated charcoal. There may be other methods of decontamination. Whatever form treatment takes, your pet needs it as immediately as possible.

Once toxicity has been dealt with, your pet may need medicine to restore their gastrointestinal health. Your dog or cat is likely to need some hospital treatment, fluids, and regular blood testing to ensure that all is well.

If your pet still needs to use aspirin after an episode of poisoning, you need to ensure that the veterinarian's instructions are thoroughly adhered to, or you may need to talk about lowering the amount of aspirin pet takes, or ending the regimen altogether.

Whenever you have questions or concerns about your pet's health, it is vital that you have a veterinarian to contact. Find the medical expert you need on our directory today!

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