Featured News 2014 Pet Ownership With A Pet Allergy

Pet Ownership With A Pet Allergy

Pet allergies are some of the more common allergies in the United States, affecting 15-30% of people with allergies. However, pet ownership is increasing amongst Americans each year, leading to more than 100 million furry pets throughout the nation. Just because a person has an allergy does not mean they must give up the love and companionship of a lifelong pet.

What to Do When Allergic to a Lifelong Friend

It is important to note that when a person is allergic to animals, it is oftentimes not the pet's fur they are experiencing symptoms to, but rather dust, pollen, and mold that collect in the animal's hair. This makes a difference when it comes to managing allergy symptoms, such as congestion, itchy eyes, or sneezing.

Schedule an appointment with an allergist to determine if it is the animal fur or other allergens that actually cause an allergic reaction. If it is not the actual animal fur, bathing the pet at least twice a week can curb the buildup of allergens.

When getting rid of a family's pet is not realistic, there are some steps a person can take in order to manage their allergy, such as:

  • Train the animal to avoid rooms and surfaces within the home by blocking pets from bedrooms or punishing the animal when it jumps on beds and couches
  • Invest in hypoallergenic coverings for soft, cushioned areas
  • Clean more often, especially places that hold pet hair like carpet and bedding
  • Consult with a doctor to explore allergy medications that are a good fit
  • Explore allergy shots that are aimed at providing long-term allergy relief by building up immunity

There is nothing a person can do to immediately rid themselves of an allergy, but some people may begin to build an allergy tolerance for a specific pet. For any person struggling with an allergy to a beloved animal, taking some steps can help ease the negative side-effects.

If in doubt, consult with a trusted veterinarian to discuss what can be done with a pet in order to minimize allergic damages. A vet may be able to suggest shampoos or groomers that will be most effective for the specific animal type.

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