Second Hand Smoke: Pets Suffer from it Too!
Posted on Jun 24, 2014 6:11pm PDT
While it is a known fact that second hand smoke can have a serious effect on people of all ages, what most people do not realize is the negative affect it can also have on our furry friends.
Second hand smoke is referred to as the smoke that is exhaled or is released into the air and inhaled by non-smokers. Taking it a step further, third hand smoke is the residue from the smoke that remains on skin, clothing, furniture and—you guessed it—fur! Both second and third hand smoke can be categorized under the term environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).
Studies have shown that cats that have been exposed to ETS are much more likely to develop malignant lymphoma. In fact, cats that had been exposed to ETS were at a risk that is almost 2.5 times higher of getting malignant lymphoma than cats that live in smoke-free homes.
Other studies have shown a connection between oral cancer in cats and ETS. This is because while grooming themselves, cats lick off the toxins that are clinging to their fur, thus leading to tissue damage of the mouth.
Dogs are just as susceptible to the harmful effects brought on by ETS. Research has shown that dogs living in a smoking household are more likely to develop respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer than dogs that live in a smoke-free home. Additionally, the risk of cancer of the nasal passages increases by 250% in long-nosed dogs that have been exposed to high levels of ETS.
Learn More about Your Pet's Health by Contacting a Local Vet
The next time you think of lighting up around your cat or dog, think about the health risks you are putting your pet at. If you have any more questions regarding the health of your pet, do not hesitate to contact a local veterinarian today!
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