Featured News 2014 Swimming Pool Dangers and Dogs

Swimming Pool Dangers and Dogs

Summertime is almost here, which means it's time to take a dip in the pool and hide from the summer heat. While some dogs are very comfortable in the water, others may be unable to swim. If you don't have the proper fencing around your pool, or if your pet can wiggle through the bars on your fence and enter your pool area, you will need to take precautions.

Your animal could be seriously injured or may even drown in the pool water. It is very dangerous to allow dogs around pools that are being heated with pool covers. A dog that falls under one of these pool covers may be unable to come back up for breath.

If your dog can wiggle through the gaps in a fence, consider putting chicken wire or another wire fencing around the pool so that your pet can't get in. If you do not have a fence around your pool, you will want to be careful to watch your dog whenever he or she is outside. If your pet gets too close to the pool, call him or her away. Train your pet to stay away from the pool unless given permission.

If you are all out by the pool, keep a very close eye on your pet. If your animal wants to get in the water, make sure that there is someone there to stand very close to your animal. If your pet is trapped under water and needs assistance, try to grab ahold of the animal's collar. If this does not work, carefully scoop up the dog and pull them to the surface.

If your dog is still conscious after the near-drowning, put the animal on solid ground and keep him or her warm. If your dog falls unconscious due to a near downing, you will want to hold your pet upside down for about 10 seconds and shake the animal gingerly to empty the lungs of any water. Let the dog lie on his side with the head lower than the lungs and then open the mouth to clear any objects or debris. You should also pull the tongue forward. If your pet doesn't have a pulse, you will need to perform animal CPR to try to restore one.

You may want to call a vet to perform a check-up after a near-drowning situation. Emergency care may consist of oxygen supplementation, electrolyte monitoring, blood pressure monitoring or assisted ventilation. It is important to treat your dogs like children around water. You will want to allow them to play but only under very careful supervision. If your dog comes on boating trips with you, make sure to purchase a doggie life vest for your pet. Call a local vet today if your pet has suffered a near drowning incident and you need to locate a trustworthy vet to perform a checkup.

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