Importance of Puppy Socialization
Posted on Sep 8, 2015 8:30am PDT
When we talk about socializing a puppy, we're referring to helping a puppy learn to be comfortable with human society. A society that includes various types of people, animals, noises, and types of buildings.
Most young animals, including dogs and cats get used to things that they encounter in their environment on a daily basis – that is until they reach a certain age. Once animals reach that age, they naturally become more suspicious of unfamiliar things and people.
What's the best age for puppy socialization?
The best age for puppy socialization is between 3 and 12 weeks. After 12 weeks of age, puppies are more cautious of things they haven't encountered before. With each passing week, it becomes harder to get a pup to accept something that he or she is wary of.
Once a puppy reaches 18 weeks of age, it can be next to impossible to teach a dog to trust and enjoy something new, or help him get comfortable with something he perceives as frightening.
Why socialization is critical:
- Well socialized puppies grow up to be safer pets
- They grow up to be more relaxed and enjoyable dogs
- They're less likely to be skittish or aggressive
- They are more likely to grow up happy and stress-free
A poorly socialized dog is a threat to himself, other animals, and society. While a well-socialized dog will be more relaxed about honking horns, loud noises, unfamiliar people and animals and veterinary examinations, a poorly socialized dog is more prone to a constant state of fear, distress, and agitation.
Socialization doesn't demand an "all or nothing" approach. You can socialize a new puppy a bit or a lot. However, the more experiences that you expose him to, the better the chances of him being relaxed, comfortable and friendly in a wide variety of situations when he reaches adulthood.
For more socialization advice, reach out to a veterinarian near you!