Featured News 2015 Travelling By Car With Your Pet

Travelling By Car With Your Pet

When planning a trip with your pet, make sure that you ensure your pet's safety and comfort. Unless you're able to spend lots of time with your dog while travelling, he will probably be much happier if you leave him home instead of tagging along with you.

If you're thinking about bringing your cat, remember that cats don't travel as well as dogs, and as a general rule, cats almost always prefer to stay home.

If you decided that you want to bring your pet with you on your trip, follow these tips for a relaxing, stress-free trip.

Safely Travelling By Car

Dogs really shouldn't be roaming freely in the car, it's not safe. The safest way to travel with Fido is to have him in a crate that is anchored to your vehicle by using the seatbelt, or by another secure method. Dogs can create a distraction, putting you and other motorists at risk.

Unlike dogs, most cats don't enjoy travelling in cars. For their safety and yours, put them in a carrier. Be sure to secure the carrier so it doesn't bounce around and hurt your cat. Secure the carrier by placing a seatbelt around the front of it.

Don't leave your pet alone in the car because the heat can kill him or her. Even if it's only 72 degrees outside, the temperature inside the car can heat up to 116 degrees within an hour. If it gets too hot in your vehicle, you can return to a pet who has suffered irreversible organ damage.

Don't forget to stop often and allow your pet to stretch their legs and go to the bathroom. However, never allow your pet to leave your vehicle without a collar, an ID tag, and a leash.

For more travel safety tips, reach out to a local veterinarian near you!

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