Featured News 2016 Can Cows Be Pets?

Can Cows Be Pets?

If you've spent much time around cows, you might have noticed that some cows are as friendly as dogs, some are aloof, and some are aggressive. If you desire to have a pet cow, it's actually not that uncommon. Plenty of families have become attached to cows to the point where they want to keep them as pets.

There are definite advantages and drawbacks to raising a cow. If you have the space and can afford to keep a nice one as a pet, you may find the experience worth it, especially if you're an animal lover or have children who will enjoy caring for the cow and feeding it crisp apples and treats from the family garden.

Here are some things to keep in mind before getting a cow for a pet:

  • If you have a female, you can get lots of free milk, but that will require either a bull or artificial insemination (AI).
  • Bulls are generally expensive to care for, and they can be dangerous.
  • You will need lots of space for the cow to roam freely.
  • If your female cow has a calf or is milking, she will eat a lot.
  • You will need a barn or a shed to shelter your cow.
  • Cows don't like to be in small areas for long periods of time.
  • You cannot have a cow if you have a small yard or live in the suburbs.
  • Cows are susceptible to diseases and various illnesses.

Why do you want a pet cow?

What are your reasons for wanting a cow? So you can have fresh, organic milk, or so you can have an adorable lawn ornament? If you want a cow for milk, you may want to purchase one from a dairy farm that is no longer producing enough for the farm's purposes.

If you want a cow because you love their personality, talk to a veterinarian about getting one that will do very well by eating grass alone and that has a healthy immune system. If you are considering getting a pet cow, keep in mind that you should have at least 5 to 10 acres for the cow to graze.

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