Brushing Your Pet's Teeth
Posted on Jun 9, 2010 4:20pm PDT
You may have heard that brushing your pet's teeth is an excellent way to protect your pet's health and overall well-being. According to research, oral diseases such as gingivitis or periodontal disease is becoming more and more widespread among cats and dogs. In fact, according to the American Veterinary Dental Society, over 50% of both dogs and cats are developing gingivitis or periodontal disease by age three.
Warning Signs
If your pet exhibits bad breath, you should ensure that your cat or dog receives an oral examination during regular checkups. Both bad breath and yellow/brown tooth discoloration are early warning signs that your pet may have poor oral health.
If your pet's gums are puffy, tender, swollen or bleeding, this can indicate that your pet may have periodontitis.
Preventing Oral Health Problems
It is important to brush your pet's teeth regularly and with specially formulated toothpaste that is manufactured for animal use. Never use your own toothpaste on your pet. An established brushing regimen either implemented by you, the pet owner, or by your groomer can help prevent oral problems.
You can also incorporate foods and treats into your pet's diet to help boost oral health. Many pet foods and treats are made specifically to help protect your pet's teeth and gums and prevent dental problems.