Knowing When Your Pet is Sick
Posted on Jun 25, 2010 2:45pm PDT
Many people wonder what the tell-tale signs of pet sickness are. Below, we have provided key signs that are indicative of pet illness:
- a huge increase or decrease in appetite
- hard time urinating or defecating (pet strains when relieving itself)
- lumps on body
- vomiting
- not drinking water
- persistent diarrhea
- shaking head or scratching ears repeatedly
- persistent sneezing
- persistent coughing
- big increase or decrease in weight
- persistent fatigue or lack of activity
- abnormal discharge
If you notice any combination of these signs or suspect that your dog or cat is under the weather, it is always a good idea to take your pet to an experienced veterinarian. Remember, prevention is key when trying to combat potential illness. Make sure you have your dog or cat checked every year by your vet and also make sure your pet is up-to-date on all vaccinations. By taking these preventative steps, your pet may avoid sickness.