Featured News 2012 Does Your Pet have Dry Skin?

Does Your Pet Have Dry Skin?

Just like humans, pets can get dry skin, especially in dry seasons or chilly winters. When we get dry skin, we normally just add some moisturizing lotion to soften it up. But when a pet gets dry skin, it can be a bit more serious. This is because pets tend to scratch themselves a lot. When their skin is very dry they may inflict lacerations when they try to scratch an itch. If your pet just has dry skin from the weather, it's not an extremely serious concern, but animals get dry skin from other conditions as well. Allergies, parasites, and infections may cause your pet's skin to become dry and itchy.

Sometimes irritated skin is the result of a kidney, liver, or thyroid gland problem. If your dog or cat has skin irritation such as a rash, redness, or bumps, then you may want to take him or her to a doctor. If the skin irritation has produced sores, or if your pet is losing its fur because of the irritation, then you need to contact a veterinarian immediately. The condition may be serious if your pet's fur has become dull and dry and is falling out easily. Also, if the animal is constantly licking or rubbing its face on the skin, this can be a serious issue. Whenever any of these symptoms occur, it's best to take your pet to an animal doctor, just in case.

When your dog has dry skin, you can use these simple steps to help him or her. Bathe your dog as little as needed. Washing a dog too often can cause the skin to dry out. While you want to have a healthy and clean dog, bathing once a week or once every other week is probably enough. If you wash your canine yourself, use moisturizing dog shampoo. Never use a human shampoo on your pet. Dogs do not have the same PH that we do and the shampoo will be much too harsh on their skin.

After shampooing your pet, you can follow up with a dog conditioner that can moisturize the skin. These conditioners can help to add extra shine to your pet's fur. If you brush your dog frequently, this will keep his or her coat healthy and shiny and remove dandruff and dead hair. Also, keep in mind that a dog's diet and exercise affects every aspect of their body. Feed your dog healthy kibble and give him or her plenty of clean water.

If your cat has dry skin, you can help him or her too! Brush your feline frequently, especially if he or she is a long-haired cat. Brushing will remove lots of dander and dead hair from the fur. These elements might be irritating the skin and causing it to lack moisture. Make sure to use a brush made especially for cats, with lots of bristles that will not harm your kitten. Don't bathe your cat unless you have to clean the hair of a grimy substance like oil or grease. Cats bathe themselves almost every day, and don't need humans to pitch in except in special situations. If you have a long-haired cat that needs to bathed, you can take him or her to a professional pet groomer to get the job done right. Always use cat shampoos and conditioners if you have to bathe your animal.

Because felines give themselves baths with their tongues, you wouldn't want to use anything that was harmful for the kitten to consume. Always use conditioner if you have to wash your cat, which will help to moisten the skin. Never use a lotion on your cat, especially one designed for humans. These will gum up the feline's hair. Feed your kitten healthy kitty chow in order to keep his or her coat nice and shiny. If you think your pet's coat is getting a bit dull, talk to a vet about fatty acid supplements or vitamins that will enhance the fur.

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