Featured News 2012 Why is your Dog Itchy?

Why is your Dog Itchy?

Is your pet constantly scratching at his ears or nipping at her fur? If so, your dog may be itchy, and there may be a reason. A lot of times dogs get itchy when they are dealing with a skin problem, or when they have a bug problem such as fleas or ticks. According to Pet Web MD, dogs who are suffering from a skin condition normally scratch, itch, and chew at their skin habitually. Sometimes this causes them to develop scabs from biting at their own skin. The skin may also become red and inflamed, or your pet might start to lose hair. There are times that the skin will become discolored, and lesions or rashes may develop on your pet. When your pet constantly rubs his face against your furniture or carpet, that may be his way of trying to itch his face. It may also be a tip-off that something isn't right.

One of the main reasons that dogs get itch is from fleas. These nasty little bugs will bury their way into your pet’s fur and irritate his skin. Some pets can even have an allergic reaction to the flea bites. If your pet has fleas, topical medications, flea baths, and flea collars are just a few of the ways that you can make them all disappear. Your pet may also have ringworm. This is a highly contagious fungal infection that can cause your pet’s skin to become scaly and he may lose hair. Because other people can catch ringworm, you will want to get your animal treated as soon as possible. Your dog also might have other parasites buried in his or her skin and fur. These can be lice, ear mites, and other parasites that can cause an animal to have the urge to itch.

If none of these situations seems to be the case for you, then your pet might have a food allergy. Much like humans, dogs can get hives from eating the wrong foods or foods that simply don’t agree with their system. A lot of times, dogs can develop allergies to soy products, corn, beef, chicken, or wheat. All of these are key components in many dog foods. You may also find that your dog is allergic to a food coloring that is used in his or her kibble. Make sure that your pet’s grooming products aren’t causing an allergic reaction either. You should never use human shampoos or conditioners to wash your pet, and should regulate how your animal reacts to the pet shampoos as well.

Just like humans, dogs can also develop bacterial and yeast infections. These can cause itchy and irritating skin, which may cause your dog to bite or itch excessively. Some pets don’t have a good measure of self-control, and may even inflict wounds on themselves as they scratch and bite the itch away. Make sure to keep an eye on your pet’s licking and itching habits. If he or she is habitually hurting his or herself by itching, you may want to put a medical cone on your pet until the itching subsides. Some dogs also itch just out of boredom. If your dog is in this situation, then you need to make an effort to interact with your pet more.

Also, pay attention to the weather. Pet’s skin may become dry and itchy as the seasons change. This is especially true when the seasons change from fall to winter. If your dog won’t stop scratching, biting, or licking, then you may want to take him or her into the vet for a check-up. Make sure that you have a reliable local vet near your home so that you always have a place to go when your pet experiences health complications. If you don’t have a vet, find one now using this directory!

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