Creating a Flyer to Find a Missing Pet
Posted on Nov 8, 2010 7:55pm PST
Losing a pet is one of the saddest things that can happen to an owner of a dog or cat. If you recently lost your pet, you may want to consider creating a flyer to hang around your neighborhood. However, before you start decorating streets with your banners, make sure that you:
Start your flyer with a large headline that grabs people's attention. For example, use "Lost Dog" or "Missing Our Cat" on the top of the flyer.
Be sure that you include a large, clear photo of your dog or cat. This will help people recognize your pet and keep a visual in their minds.
You may also want to include the name of your pet, its genders, its size and a description of its color in your flyer. Weight and other distinguishing features are good additions, too.
Finally, make sure that you provide your name and phone number so people can call you if they find your pet.
Pet Tips, Cats, Dogs