Featured News 2016 Do Dogs Need Animal Companionship?

Do Dogs Need Animal Companionship?

Dog owners often ask, "Does my dog need canine companionship?" Pet owners will often ask this question when their dog is home alone for long periods of time, or when their dog seems to love socializing with other dogs.

If you're considering getting a second dog, or even a cat, would it be a good move for your dog? Each dog is different. Some love other dogs, while others prefer their human companions. However, we cannot ignore the fact that dogs can develop deep bond with other dogs, and even other species.

If a dog has been well-socialized and has a good temperament, they will usually socialize with other animals easily. A friendly dog will often approach almost any kind of animal without regard to its species. If the other animal does not send hostile signals, the dog will usually try to establish a good-natured relationship.

Loving Bonds Between Animals

The bonds that dogs can establish with other animals is incredible. If you watch animal shows or YouTube videos, you can easily find some unusual, but touching animal friendships.

One St. Bernard named "Rogan" in Orange County, California wasn't known to like other dogs, but when his owners rehomed him to a family with "Bear," an Anatolian Shepherd mix, the pair became fast friends.

When Bear died suddenly one day due to kidney stones, Rogan went into a deep depression and wouldn't eat. Rogan's owner had to hold him lovingly, while encouraging him to eat and drink. This went on for weeks after Bear's death, proving the bond between Rogan and Bear.

Would your dog be happier if you got a second dog, or even a kitten? It depends on your dog's personality. Often, a dog is happier if they have another animal to play with and keep them company, especially if the owners are gone much of the time.

If you would like to discuss animal companionship with a veterinarian, you can use our directory to find one near you!

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